About this Series
In the church calendar each year we have a "Trinity Sunday." This year it was June 15 2014. Traditionally the sermon that day would be on the Trinity. We have decided this year to have a little series on the Trinity titled "The Party That Never Ends".
| John 5:16-23 | Peter MacPherson
In the church calendar each year we have a “Trinity Sunday.” This year it was June 15, 2014. Traditionally the sermon that day would be on the Trinity. We have decided this year to have a little series on the Trinity. We will begin with a reflection on God as Trinity today. This won’t be about theory or philosophy but more about the difference it means in real life to know that God is Trinity. Following on from this (in subsequent weeks) we will consider three areas of implication: trinity and humanity; trinity and prayer; trinity and mission. You might like to use the following prayer to help you reflect on God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I bow before the Father
Who made me.
I bow before the Son
Who saved me.
I bow before the Spirit
Who guides me.
In love and adoration
I give my lips
I give my heart
I give my strength.
I bow and adore thee
Sacred Three
The Ever One
The Trinity.
By David Adam (From Pocket Celtic Prayers compiled by Martin Wallace)