About this Series
Join us at St Alfred’s & St Luke’s for a special focus on God’s justice – 2017.
CB Samuel Global Justice. International speaker from India. Bible teacher, pastor, theologian, missiologist, and passionate advocate for the poor. Advisor for both EFICOR and Micah Global. Sun Oct 22: 10am & 6pm at St Alfred’s.
Andrew Naylor Justice for Indigenous Australians. Relationships Team Manager at
Australians Together, responsible for helping churches respond to the disadvantages faced by indigenous Australians. Formerly music director at Stairway and City Life. Sun Oct 29: 10am, 4pm & 6pm at St Alfred’s.
Bob Mitchell Justice for the Poor. CEO of Anglican Overseas Aid. Author of Faith-Based Development: How Christian Organisations Can Make a Difference (2017).
Sun Nov 12: 9.30am at St Luke’s.