About Mike
5 February, 2023 (Sundays at 6pm)
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2 | Mike McNamara
Series: Standalone Sermon
5 February, 2023 (Sundays at 10am)
1 January, 2023 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Luke 2:21-40 | Mike McNamara
Series: Born - Christmas 2022
25 December, 2022 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Matthew 2:1-12; Philippians 2:14-18 | Mike McNamara
11 December, 2022 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Philippians 2:1-11 | Mike McNamara
9 October, 2022 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Colossians 1:15-20 | Mike McNamara
Series: Creation and Humanity
28 August, 2022 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Genesis 1:1-31, 2:1-3 | Mike McNamara
7 August, 2022 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Habakkuk 1:12-2:20 | Mike McNamara
Series: Faith in Crisis: Habakkuk
26 June, 2022 (Sundays at 6pm)
Bible Text: 2 Timothy 3:10-17 | Mike McNamara
Series: Keep The Faith - A Series in 2 Timothy
8 May, 2022 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: 2 Timothy 1:1-7 | Mike McNamara
24 April, 2022 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Isaiah 40:21-31, Matthew 8:23-27 | Mike McNamara
3 April, 2022 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Joshua 23:1-16 | Mike McNamara
Series: The Promised Land - The Book of Joshua
13 March, 2022 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Joshua 7:1-26, 8:1-35 | Mike McNamara
6 February, 2022 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: 2 Kings 5:1-27 | Mike McNamara
30 January, 2022 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Psalm 71:1-24 | Mike McNamara
Series: God Our Rock - A Series in the Psalms
16 January, 2022 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Psalm 145:1-21 | Mike McNamara
2 January, 2022 (Sundays at 6pm)
Bible Text: Psalm 72:1-20 | Mike McNamara
25 December, 2021 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Luke 2:1-21 | Mike McNamara
Series: Hope - Christmas 2021
21 November, 2021 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: 1 Peter 2:9-12, 3:8-17 | Mike McNamara
Series: How To Grow In Faith
14 November, 2021 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19 | Mike McNamara