15 October, 2023 (Sundays at 6pm)
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 | Bp Genieve Blackwell
Series: Costly Leadership: 2 Corinthians
6 March, 2022 (Sundays at 6pm)
Bible Text: Joshua 5:1-15, 6:1-27 | Bp Genieve Blackwell
Series: The Promised Land - The Book of Joshua
6 March, 2022 (Sundays at 10am)
20 June, 2021 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Acts 8:26-40 | Bp Genieve Blackwell
Series: Jesus Is Lord
5 November, 2017 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Exodus 31 | Bp Genieve Blackwell
Series: Exodus: Freed to Worship